Monday, October 24, 2011

Wonder Woman - The New 52

We are two issues into Diana's run with DC's new 52 and I have to say I have been quite impressed with what I have seen and am anxiously looking forward to where this story will take us. When the first news broke of the new 52 we had been give a glimpse of Diana wearing long black pants and to be honest I liked it. Of course as we all know that was not to be true - she is back in her starred shorts - though now in black. Also, the only thing gold now is the lasso. However her color scheme isn't the only thing that has changed. It has been announced that for the first time in her history that she has a father, and it isn't just any father  - but Zeus himself.

What does this mean for Diana? Only time will tell . . .

My Collection - Maquettes

This was a Warner Bros store exclusive. It has the standard modern era costume with a molded golden lasso being held in Diana's hand. It is approximately 13 inches stall.

 This second piece was based on based on DC's direct to DVD animated Wonder Woman movie. The style of this Wonder Woman is a bit sleeker with very straight hair, a simplified costume (the yellow of the WW breastplate continues across her back), and a more determined face.

This maquette did a good job recreating the Diana represented in the movie.